It was a Tuesday
The fresh-faced college kid went to catch up with her cousin brother
Who’d just returned
From jolly ol’ London
They went back and forth
Exchanging their life experiences since they saw each other last
Bonding over their odd sense of humour and each other’s anecdotes
Sharing laughter over plates of sushi
All of a sudden he brings up a question
A part of her unravelled slightly despite its well-kept seams
He asked her about what happened in the past —
those years he had missed out on
the years they were hidden from each other
She found herself spiralling
To memories 7 years ago
It felt like a lifetime ago
She explained every emotion that went through her mind
Although she knew she told it sloppily
As she consciously stopped herself
Her tears aching to be released from that tear duct she’s kept so well sealed
She knew she could have written out her thoughts better
Unfortunately she could only muster
Splattering her heart all over a canvas instead
After a few moments of silence
She noticed his eyes looking at her so intensely
A smile lighting his face
“Baby cousin, I am so proud of how far you’ve come.”
Her mind did not seem to register his words
In that instance she went still
“You had every reason to run,
Yet you turned it around for you instead.
For that, I am so proud of you.”
Warmth spread in her chest
She willed her tear duct to cooperate and not pour
Shakily murmuring a word of thanks and a small smile
They continued on in conversation
As though nothing happened
But they both knew
They were finally honest with themselves
Finally making peace with the truth
And the person they turned out to be