We are young,
And it is in our days of youth that we will wander the most.
Despite not saying it outloud,
We will bow down to failure and frustration many a time;
We will give in to the white noise and the nagging voice at the back of our minds many a time -
I will keep falling and stumbling like this, over and over again.
You miss me?
I miss me too.
가끔씩 나도 내가 무서워 자기 혐오와:
Who am I now, Who am I supposed to be, Where am I supposed to be?
Why do I not recognise the person staring at the mirror in front of me,
What have I allowed myself to become?
What has happened to parts of me I used to love?
Persona, who the hell am I?
Persona, have I grown accustomed to you?
Persona, was ever anything about you ever from the real me?
Persona, have you become greater than my sense of self?
But never mind,
We will continue to keep going in this journey of discovering myself again -
Because I’ll 그 어떤 가시밭 길이라도 뛰어가.