a truce
just call a truce, they say
but how does one call a truce
when the problem stemmed from everyone chiming in with too much say?
i watched as my body trembled with an unbridled anger, a righteous justice,
an anger, nonetheless, at the empty void
for merely being able to echo back my cries
without giving answers, assistance, further directions
but what could i expect, right?
everyone else has been on this journey before
they’ve stayed and left, one after another
i have no right to be overwhelmed
i have no right to be exhausted
i have no right to
i have no right
i have no
i have
i don’t
you do
well maybe. but i can never be less than perfect
why is that?
because my one mistake always ends up with an involuntary game of dominoes
please elaborate
i do one thing wrong, everything around me collapses. i cross a line, the ground then threatens to swallow up everything i’ve ever known. i speak up, then i’m a mouthy little shit. if i am anything but pleasant, i’m then assumed to be scheming up plans for a rebellion.
sounds bad man
these are the waters i've known //
no intervention, unless something b r e a k s // maybe //
i gasp, splutter, crack my knuckles, look for something to fidget with
d i s t r a c t
i o n
dis tance
d i s t a n c e
f r o m
after all, there is a saying
“you can gain the whole world,
but lose your soul”
but how do i get to a truce?
h a l t —